Sunday, May 08, 2011

Desire (heart)s Form

Little sprinkles from the depths of the chip bag
its wrinkled mouth yawns
done feeding me like a mother bird
empties morsels from one tummy into another

Desire, lust and craving in a salty package
it stings against open mouth sores
little salt miners pick away
pickaxes of desire not sharp enough to kill

They like to eat, eat, eat
away at our bodies and our minds
their dictator gives anorexic orders
if it wants something eaten right, it'll eat itself

Maybe it needs to think about what it has done
no supper for you, go to your room
it has lots of space to plot inside the brain
space to command the body in its selfish ways

The mind so vain it can't escape Form's seduction
it falls first for the most flashy display
it's high time to disrupt the chain of command
before the chain wraps too tight and chokes Thought to death.

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Timeless Road

My soul drifts up to taut, stretched heights
The heat in this tent burns my skin
And so I call up to my God
I call His name and bid Him speak
To take the pain soaked into me
Release its steam, to heal, to cure

My dear Elijah meant to cure
The world's pain as dirt shot to heights
In pieces as shells burst near me
They marked the world in scorched black skin
Remember the last words we spoke?
As one, but out of touch with God

"He" is Wemistikoshiw's "God"
They call to Him for near-death cures
From morphine'd tongues they scream, they speak
They think they'll soar to greater heights
As bloody bullets pierce their skin
That pain swirls heavy, too, in me

Elijah, no longer like me
no longer prayed to Manitou
And now mine feels like boiled skin
I wash you out and try a cure
Your ahcahk flies at the tent's height
To this last form of you, I speak

You start to depart as I speak
I stoke the coals so air bur ns me
I'm sad I had to quell your heights
Please heal us, Niska, Manitou
In vain I ask Him for your cure
But you're still dead as your scalp skins

I'm free of thought, you're free of skin
You're free of words, I'm free to speak
I'm free to live, you're free from cure
You're free of you, I'm free, I'm me
I'm free in soul, you're free for God
You're free from earth, I'm free at heights

Your ahcahk tickles past my skin, past me, past Gitchi Manitou, and you, my friend, are free
Soaring like you did on morphine - that cure, loose tongue, my sorrow high, but finally I help you fly.

*Inspired by Joseph Boyden's Three Day Road

It Will Fall

Do you remember the Silence?
that time I spoke
I recorded it for you

maybe you need to reflect
memory's important, you know
maybe you saw something of use
in the corner of your mind's eye

what's behind you?
oh, sorry, just a breath of air
did it tickle?
I didn't know the quiet breathed. A rattle-y breath
perhaps a child's rattle?

What are you speaking of, dear sir
I'm afraid you make no sense
silly man, can't even keep your bowtie straight.

allow me to fix that for you
but oh? what's this?
something is flashing.
What's wrong with your hand?
Why, I'm afraid I can't remember.

Now now, look at me
you're going to turn around and fix my bowtie

now, tell me what the Silence looked like
what did it feel like
how did it sound.

I don't know.
Neither do I.

Maybe you should check your messages.
back up a step.
didn't I capture it for you before this?
the silence in words
it must be around here somewhere...
my alien senses tell me you need to look down.

One, two, three, four, five
the harder you look, the more you'll find
the world will blossom into colour
when you see something seldom sought.

*If you can guess what this was inspired by, I will be quite pleased (also, the spacing at the end is being irritating)