Friday, May 18, 2012

Do You Follow?

it's in the                          t
                        d                     a                             
                                   e                       i               s

and in the                   p a  t    t        e               r                             n                                             s

                                              o         e                                                         d
it can be found                     u         d            the box, and then            i              a bigger one;
                                                  t s i                                                     s

you can always follow it forwards
or trace its origins by going sdrawkcab 

It just depends on which truths you're looking for
and how they're hiding

Do you see
or (hear)             the answers to the questions?
or Feel

In the small sciences
you deduce a beginning
from an ending
of scattered breadcrumbs
that lead back
to speckled hands.

In the big sciences
you dream amongst stars
and try to bring
a new reality back
into the scope
of human eyes.

Questions of science and progress
speak as loud as a heart
that loves knowledge,
ranging from the stars
back down to our humble lives,
marked by experiences
unique to the one.

Are you still keeping pace?


  1. I like the small science / big science part. (I'm an english teacher by day, but a cosmogonist by night). Funny how it starts out very e.e. cummings experimental, but ends up very straightforward lyrical--was that deliberate, or did it just work out that way?

  2. A bit of both, actually. Originally it was supposed to be full on experimental, but it worked out so much nicer to have a blurb for each side of the coin I was trying to portray. I've been really into Sherlock Holmes lately, so that was the "small science" inspiration, and watched a movie called Hawking recently which inspired the other half. All that remained was to bring it together :)
