Saturday, April 30, 2011

I am...

I am aqua
as water bounces
on a drumbeat
I swim in my
soul's music

I am a seal
in lonely, dark quarantine
splashing in dark                   air thick as water

I am afraid                                         of this void
trapped in a box pyramid
nature's attempts                              to destroy my prison
only sharpen its walls

I am the lone pinecone
that's been rooted by luck
the last among 37 sisters

many layered discs
        wooden fibres                       spun in tight circles
      wound up like                        thread on a spool
        I sit in my                             computer chair
     and wind myself                   until my head bobs

      now it's                                      all heavy
        the world                                   looks askew
       seeing past my brain's             straightforward filters
        a world rotating                       on an unseen axis
     that spins us                               to our cores

*Inspired by Ellen Jaffe's "I am..." prompt


  1. i think this is so cool! i love how you shaped your poem into a person, what a clever idea. i also like the poem overall, it's really nice! :)

  2. i love your line, "i am the lone pinecone", it really made me laugh. i really like the way you use imagery (both a visual representation & in my mind).

  3. The images presented here are specific, vivid, and powerful. The inukshuk formation helps to present the image of humanity inherent. Very eloquent, I like it very much.
